MTV's Celebrity DeathMatch series was a staple for wild & wacky fun between 1998 to 2007.
It was a late night venture that featured a novel animated approch with it's 'Claymation' animated figures. In a mock-like Madison Square Garden boxing ring arena, filled with blood thirsty spectators, they'd pit celebrities duking it out (to-the-death) with two play-by-play claymation announcers... AND a recurring claymation referee complete with the actual voice of Mills Lane (the famous World-Boxing referee). Here's the IMDb link to the series page: IMDb Celebrity DeathMatch Page

Between two agents, I was racking up some nice credits on the show voicing the likes of Charlton Heston, Nick Nolte, Chris Tucker, Sammo Hong, Teddy Roosevelt, Emeril Lagasse and Rodney Dangerfield who was pitted against a feisty Don Rickles! Sorry-to-say that Rodney got the drop on Rickles after he exhausted himself with a tirade of one liners!

I was a big fan of Mr Rickles for many years. When I turned the script to the last few pages to find out that I (Rodney) won the match, I was genuinely bummed. But, Rodney was still pissed about Don running out on the check at a Friar's Club luncheon some years back. The last scene had pieces of Don Rickles on a BBQ spit to signify he was thoroughly roasted...a bit overdone for the man also know as - Mr. Warmth!
Here are some links to various websites and Google Search that have fan clubs and episode info on Celebrity DeathMatch:
516.448.9900 (mobile)
516.448.9900 (mobile)