Friday, December 19, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
TC & Company delivers openers for RDS Delivery's sister company Gottfried NYC!

Tom Clifford and TC & Company has been supplying RDS Delivery Service with the image they wanted for over 20 years. When it came time to connect the dots with their sister company they wanted more of the same. Click for their 'Quick Cut' video.
We had wondered if there might be a connection to Gilbert... Gottfried. But, RDS Delivery said nope and pointed out that Gottfried's NYC Delivery Systems was established in 1935 and is New York's premiere full service logistics company and subscription agency. Darn, woulda had fun doing a spot-on imitation of Gilbert if needed...except you'd go out of your mind or become hard of hearing afterward. Click to visit website
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Cosby answers to a higher authority
Couldn't help but think how Bill's current woes (snowballing accusations that he victimized women in serial fashion throughout his trailblazing career) play into one of his earliest routines. And does he answer to a higher authority when it comes to answering accusations head-on.
In stark parody with Bill's voice routine and in true form to some of the political cartoons I did years back, here's a fair ditty that's quick and to the point.
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Sunday, October 26, 2014
International again...
Another cool idea not really seen here in the States comes from the latest VoiceOver call of Plan-A Advertising in the UAE.
A service that along with its name is sorta novel; that of ...Behind-the-Door. NO, we're not talking 80's blue cinema, but nifty concierge lifestyle service arrangements for homeowners, apartment tenants, property owners and property managers.
They pretty much left the voice-over in my hands. So, I gave it a straight forward, conversational, informative but, professional, yet not too corporate delivery. It's percolating with the client.
Here's what's unique about Sprucely ... An On-Line one stop shop for all behind-the-door home & office indoor maintenance services.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Tom Clifford as Ulysses S. Grant goes On-the-Road with Oregon Historical Society
I just received the link from the Oregon Historical Society's "Windows on America" project, where I voiced Ulysses S. Grant. They were happy to announce that the exhibit has finally got its walking papers and is On-the-Road as a virtual 'web-tour'.
Always wanted to be On-the-Wall...You know; click this or that and the animatronic or movie would begin to play that section of the project or show. And so, you'll find Ulysses S. Grant at the "Healing a Nation" (Civil War / Lincoln's Death) section of the tour.
To navigate to the general, put your pointer to the upper right of page and click - Virtual Photo Gallery. Scroll down to - Healing a Nation. Use the expand <-> button and click - Allow. Then pan around the screen to Lincoln's face. Whew...still there, then just click on the middle speaker button to the lower left of Lincoln's face.
To view the original post of the particulars on booking the gig, please click here: Grant goes Virtual at Oregon Historical Society
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
516.488.8840 Office
516.448.9900 Mobile
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Terminal Bar comes to Print
Always nice to be able to give a well deserved plug. We're proud to announce the publication of Sheldon Nadelman's photographic tribute to a time and place -
Terminal Bar: A Photographic Record of New York's Most Notorious Watering Hole.
Here's a link to WNYC host Richard Hake's interview with Shelly Nadelman, Stefan's dad on Friday, October 17th, 2014. Interview

The movie's a bit rough around the edges for younger audiences. Featured at Tribeca Film Fest and winner of many international film festival awards, this 2003 Sundance Jury Prize winner for short film explores the customers who frequented the Terminal Bar – a down-&-out watering hole in Times Square across the street from the Port Authority. Sheldon Nadelman, the bartender, shot over 1,500 black and white portraits during his ten year stint there from 1972-1982. This film also uses a technique that brings to life Sheldon’s still photos with the collaboration of narrative & an original scored music from Stefan Nadelman, Sheldon's son. The result is a textural journey of electrifying images and sound. I was proud to be part of the narration and character portrayal that I hope lends this film some authenticity and enjoyment.
For more information visit:…For the followup Terminal Bar vignettes, see:
Porters, Bouncers, and Bartenders:
Pimps and Prostitutes:
The Garbage Can:
Directed and Animated by Stefan Nadelman
Narration by Tom Clifford
Music by Dick Zved, Michael Reid, Steve Rossiter
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Friday, October 17, 2014
Scaring up some Frightening Results this Halloween
Tom Clifford and TC and Company are at it again for Karts Raceway's 'Fright Night' this Halloween. Booked again for their radio and TV campaign, Tom reprises his Creepy-Voice!
It all started quite by accident last October when Tom heard his generic TV spot being used by Karts here in New York. Figuring, it might be worth a call to see if they wanted that creepy-voice for some of their custom media. Turned into a pretty good union. And now with a special promotion featuring 'Bela', it's in tandem with local radio station WBLI. Check out the TV version here:
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Tom Clifford - sends up Grand Cinema's new Mobile App for Plan-A Advertising

Plan-A came to Tom with a voice request to go along with their futuristic animation. What better way than to hit the flux capacitor and go back to the 60's for a classic Ernie Anderson style.
As it turned out, not a bad fit against the animation. Give the link a click...insert the password GC_Plan_A This is still very Hush, Hush ... and judge for yourselves.
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Saturday, September 13, 2014
George Willig World Trade Center climber - May 26, 1977
Had a memorable visit from my friend George Willig on Thursday 9-11-14. In from California making a few stops on a quick VaCa.
WTC UnClimbable ...WTC UnClimbable - George Willig, Human Fly
George Willig's Climbing Inventiveness that gripped NY and the World for three and a half hours of heroic history when he climbed the South Tower of the World Trade Center - May 26th, 1977. Select video graphics against informal audio interview — with Tom Clifford, Bob Brown and George Willig. — By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Canobie ScreamFest Kicks off the Haunt Season
Another year with Collage Advertising/Design of Nashua, New Hampshire featuring the Creepy-Guy voice for -
There will be - Six radio spots, Day & Nite Gate Announcements and Social Media will be added to the mix this year in an attempt to cover all the bases. Lots of Tribute Bands this year and The Yankee Cannonball roller-coaster. Check 'em out in Salem, New Hampshire or online at:
by:+Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Samsung's ATIV Book 9 Lite Spot 'Extended Version' - Tom Clifford as Voice-Over
Dead Famous Advertising, Vancouver, BC releases the extended comedy version of the Samsung ATIV Book 9 Lite television spot for web use.

Click to Play

The premise was that of two old high school sweethearts using their Samsung laptops to "get slim" prior to meeting at their high school reunion...which begs emphasis on the word "slimmer" at the end of the read. High tone photography, a 'Rocky' Sound-A-Like music score and realistic Chubsy-Ubsy makeup helped sweeten the premise. We've directed the start point of the spot to begin with the voice-over. Click progress bar 'left' to see entire spot.
Click to play extended COMEDY version
By:+Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Ralph Macchio's - Across Grace Alley fully supported
Happy to show Ralph Macchio our support for his writing, directing, acting and producing skills at the Long Island International Film Expo screening of his film this wk-end: Across Grace Alley.
Thanks in large part to Debra Debbie Markowitz director of the Nassau County Film Office and Carol Grassi from the Press Department.
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Celebrity Death Match celebrates July 4th
It's throw-back Thursday... just in time for Independence Day
At times the actors were given tapes to look at and listen to. And indeed MTV had somehow dug up a sound bite for our 26th president "T.R." Roosevelt Jr. At the time the book, Imperial Cruise hadn't come out portraying Teddy as anything but the manly-man he had been cropped up to be. I had studied the voice and found a few areas I could latch onto and capture Teddy's sound quality, diction and almost the way he carried himself...a strut. And MTV liked it enough to let me strut his stuff for the July 4th Holiday match against; Tricky 'Dick' Nixon, George 'the ax-man' Washington and 'Honest' Abe Lincoln.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Partnering Up with September

I was asked by USC to do a tandem read with a female VO and was able to have them hear September's demo.
It's not often you can get a national VO talent to lend their craft to a 1st line of marketing campaign. When they heard September's home spun folksy delivery and tone they were delighted.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Grand Cinemas UAE signs Tom Clifford as signature voice for marketing
Plan-A Advertising needed a voice that conveyed a certain timely presence and had the variety for seasonal and dramatic changes. Their client was Grand Cinemas .
I've worked with Plan-A on several other projects and they gave me a shot to strut my stuff. They were running this sort of casting contest for movie buffs. They wanted perky but with some heart. A personality.
Grand Cinemas feature a Horror Tuesday's. Perhaps I can frighten up some interest with my scary-guy voice. Horror Demo
+Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Grant goes Virtual at Oregon Historical Society website
It's funny, even though the producer described my interpretation of Grant's voice as right-up-there, I always wanted to go back and redo the part with the heretofore unread description of what Grant's voice sounded like to Mark Twain from his autobiography notes; " His voice was the soft, rounded, Ohio River accent to which my ears were earliest used to from my steam boating uncles and earliest heroes".
I did a somewhat standard crusty version, but with some nuanced channeling to give authenticity to the time and tenor to the moment.
Will be receiving the link shortly and will post it as soon as it's operational.
To hear Grant when it arrives or to visit the Oregon Historical Society's web site click here: Oregon Historical Society "Windows on America"
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Monday, February 24, 2014
Vascular Exhibit Pumps-Up with TC & Company
PTM Healthcare, Inc unveils its "November 2014 Invitation to exhibit at the 41st Annual VEITH Symposium in New York." presentation video with +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services.
Trying to engage the medical community to participate in a medical forum can sometimes be a daunting task. When there's a certain eclectic segment of that profession such as vascular surgeons & specialists, the best thing you can speak their language. PTM Healthcare, showcases key areas of concern that touches on what matters most...A True Symposium that reaches for the exchange of ideas and discoveries.
They wanted a voice over that would communicate a pacing that kept time with a POV concept of an attendee browsing the various outlets of the Symposium. +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services gave the read a tempo of personal interest, movement and approachable professionalism.
Monday, February 10, 2014
TAG' IN Along withFranklin Mutual Insurance
Franklin Mutual Insurance keeps the continuity of their TV campaign rolling along with +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services as principal voice over. It's a gratifying tribute to any actor to be asked back to continue a successful TV campaign. The creative folks at Morbelli & Russo Advertising and Media Mechanix, partnered to produce (3) new tv commercials that confront policy holder issues.
By: +Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
New Hyde Park Museum needs your Help
Always willing to help a community cause, TC & Company offered to lend a hand with some voice-over and audio production for the New Hyde Park Museum's donation drive. Here's a video that was given some grass roots personality with a welcoming approach. The use of Power-Point lends an added bit of professionalism for a polished YouTube vehicle.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
SamSung - T'was the Season to check it Twice
Samsung ran a voice-over audition with my on-line agent last week and for some reason I didn't get the notice. It just happened to be the end-of-the-year and had some extra time to wonder around their audition 'calls page' and caught the post for Samsung's ATIV Book 9 Lite.
Dead Famous Advertising, Vancouver, BC was doing the casting and the creative where the premise was that two old high school sweethearts have used their Samsung laptops to "get slim" prior to meeting at their high school reunion...which begs emphasis on the word "slimmer" at the end of the read.
The specs went on to ask for: friendly, approachable,
brand-worthy voices. The audition was due in 3 hours...the clock was ticking and figured why not give it a whack and send in a one-take audition for consideration. That was on Monday, December 30.
Friday January 3rd, I heard from D/F Advertising that it was their pleasure to inform me I was chosen for the part. I called D/F/A and spoke with an agency partner who just wanted the read to be performed exactly as the audition. No worries in that regard and sent in a few extra alternates to boot.
Click to View Samsung Spot Voice Over Mix
Click to play extended COMEDY version
By:+Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
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