Wednesday, March 25, 2015

TC & Company - Bringing the movie-going public together in the UAE

Grand Cinemas opening up the movie-going experience with the partnering of its SR & Co division. Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services is the voice of choice to brand the Call-to-Action video Plan-A Advertising produced. The video is a vivid bi-opic of sorts with stylized graphic animation depicting the cinema exhibition business growth in the UAE. It matter-of-factually shows there are certain dynamics at play that don't exist in too many other places of the world.

The video gives a good breakdown of the players, the interesting landscape and how at times, certain segments of the region are up for grabs that present opportunities. Featuring western and  regional film titles, the region is becoming more sophisticated than ever and equally thirsty for Hollywood content.

I'm more than happy to be able to represent the agency, but I particularly like being able to represent this part of our country's customs and way of life. Then I started to wonder if this part of the region might have entered into the picture making business. Have the resources to provide the necessary elements - sound and film stages, talent pools and crews that are checked out and know the lay of the land. So, I Googled it and sure enough the UAE does have a film commission at:  ...Complete with cash rebates, no less!


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