Friday, July 31, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine - Alien DNA - Election Delay...Time for Dr. Emmett Brown

No matter where you stand on the "Isle" of politics these days, there's little doubt that within the last few weeks...days even, the word 'unbelievable' is at the top of everyone's shit-O-meter!

Just this year alone it was a whirl-wind of craziness. Riding on the tail of last years: Nuking hurricanes with sharpies outlining its path to pushing the malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine and pumping disinfectant into Pandemic victims veins as miracle cures with claims of not counting virus victims means less actual victims.

Together, with fake news conferences with crazy front-line doctors spouting Covid-19 victims 'cured' with alien DNA, no need for mask wearing and proffering the delay of the November Elections!

It's to the point that seems long over due, that we bring out Dr. Emmett Brown to finally get a hold on the situation as he wonders if Jerry Lewis wouldn't have been such a bad idea after all.

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