Sunday, June 30, 2024

TC & Company Unveils Pharmaline's Generic Roll-Out

We were given the opportunity to unveil Pharmaline's entrance into the generic EU pharmaceutical market with more than just a passing concern...we gave them a Voice! They've been an established pharmaceutical company since 1987. With over 10 license agreements with global giants such as Glaxo Smith Kline, Merck, Abbott and the like, it was time to go international!

Not that we are particularly partial to pharmaceuticals (Gummies maybe), but these guys were ranked among the top 3 in its category by IQVIA. Pharmaline is a member of the Malia Group, giving them a hefty reach amongst their contemps with a multi-verse of companies to boot.         

The agency tendered a mp4 of the roll-out campaign video entitled: "Achievement" . It contained the music track and the video was edited to match the voice-over for timing on the 30 second spot. The assignment was to give the copy some lift with a voice that had heartfelt nuances accenting the role these folks play...essentially, precision workmanship at every step. And from what we've seen so far, Pharmaline is a company with ethics. So, we tried to convey that every day on the job is special for a whole lot of reasons and pride is at the top of the list.
And nobody makes a better impression on those sentiments than, Sir Peter Thomas. There may be a bit of him floatin' about! Click to Play 30 sec. spot.

Given that Pharmaline has so many generic brands in its supply pantry, voicing them all, could turn out to be a full time gig until they discover  Artificial just you never mind about that. Besides, with the graying of America there should be plenty of work for the both of us... Baby Boomers not withstanding.

It's not that often that I start scoping out a client and or their products and discover...Hey, I use that stuff. I'm reading and speaking about how much care goes into a generic pharmaceutical. But, at Pharmaline, it pretty much comes down to making a noble effort to be as good or better than the real McCoy. Being it's the end of June, which is Men's Health Month, let's make sure we're up-to-par and stock up on some of those Allopurinol gen's (Aluric) and we'll take a side of those Vitamin C gen's (C-Vital). Don't see any Gummies?

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