Saturday, August 31, 2024

This Halloween's Theme is the Hellection


In this HELLECTION, your vote will determine the fate of humanity. Good VS. Evil. Choose Evil and name the destroyer of worlds. Choose Good and fight the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse. The choice is yours…Choose Thy Fate

...Or so says the narration on this Halloween season's theme for the Mortuary...NOLA's Haunted Mansion. In 1872 this Grand Victorian Mansion first opened its doors. 


One hundred and thirty five years later, the mansion opened its doors as a haunted attraction in 2007 and they're taking this season's theme way too seriously. They've combined it with this years presidential election and its unquestionable importance. Casting the outcome as some sort of Orwellian composite, complete with text like: Gather Patriots within the hallowed halls of The Mortuary and cast your Final Vote. This is no ordinary HELLECTION, your vote will determine the fate of humanity.


These days 'ya gotta do what ya gotta do' to stay afloat and to eventually (all things being equal) thrive! Thematic attractions, while being already an attraction, do have their up side... especially if you want to extend the length of your season. Last year was kinda neat. The folks over at the Mort chose to go with a wedding in "Blood Weddings". People were getting hitched (deep faked in goth) or with actual paper work. It extended the season far into November. 

The HELLECTION thematic (as a noun) for this taking a chance with the customer base marketing model. Or, could it be a shrewd piece of prescient maneuvering. They're counting on a swell of election fervor, now that the Dem's Harris/Walz ticket has got cred. 

Plus, the Republican ticket is gonna generate its own swell, especially if they keep eatin' at the Golden Arches while on the campaign trail!  Hellection is your only defense against the coming Apocalypse. It's the arsenal of democracy needed to keep the gates of the underworld  - closed. The choice is yours.

Will you choose to unleash the darkness or fight against it?


Embrace your civic duty and choose Thy Fate by casting your vote by clicking on the play button below for the Mortuary’s Hellelection theme mix for this year's Halloween season opener.



with: Stefan Nadelman

Here's the skinny with our most recent communique from Stefan Nadelman (Hollywood's resident visual artist in every sense) - - Remember dear readers you heard it hear first, off the record, on the QT and very hush, hush...


As Stefan writes; Anyhow, Hollywood Con Queen is out on Apple. McMovie (you can figure it out) is wrapping for real, for totally real this time. They've delivered all the shots for all 6 episodes...and there have only been a few stragglers in the past few days, so it feels like this could be it.

100 Foot Wave
Season Three is done so that it should hit HBO Max someday soon. Don't Die and Razzlekhan are scheduled to wrap by Hush..Hush perhaps. The Bored Apes NFT project and Eternal Values are roundabout somewhere maybe in the middle of production. Keep an eye out for "MONEY ELECTRIC: The Bitcoin Mystery" on HBO Max, where Stefan did the main titles and chapter cards.

PS Now that the summer is morphing into's been a pretty advantageous time for AI, who is constantly plotting its complete takeover. Apparently we're a couple years away from AGI (artificial general intelligence) which will figure out how to manipulate and deceive humans.

That's the scoop! Stay cool brother! 

Oh, what a nice guy

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